Monday, August 29, 2011

Why hello wall, meet my face....weeks 8&9

Well it's been awhile. Life just got busy the last two weeks between running a half marathon, traveling alone with 2 little people, surviving my first earthquake, and dodging a hurricane, my hands have been full. Needless to say I have never been able to juggle, so I had to drop the ball somewhere <insert ball here>.

After my week of being completely unmotivated I headed back to Fleet Feet to trade in my Brooks. I was fitted into a sweet pair of Nike Zooms. As soon as the expert brought out the box I quoted the Spartan Sister and said, "Doesn't Nike make crap running shoes?"  I was reassured that they wouldn't sell me "crap". It was actually pretty funny because he brought me several pairs of shoes and I really liked the crappy shoes. They were supportive, comfy, and not bad on the eyes like most road runners. I left the store confident and satisfied. I wish I could say that about the 13.1 that followed.

My plan was to run my 1/2 on Sunday, but my fly by the seat of her pants mother invited me and my girls to VA. As a stay at home mom, my schedule is pretty, well, wide open. I mean Monkey Joe's and story time aren't appointments that can't be met pretty much anywhere. Instead of leaving Monday, we bumped the date to Sunday. No biggie, but we made this decision moments after I purchased my go fasters. We promised my 3 footer (Baby M...really not a baby anymore at 27mths) a ride on the carousel in the mall after our trip to Mommy's shoe store, her second trip in 2 weeks. I normally carb load before my long runs with a homemade ravioli bake, but this meal would be served in the food court of the Sav Mall. I decided that Sabarro would be great substitute. I think my taste buds were more in charge than any runner's logic. A runner would have realized that a sodium filled meal wasn't the best choice, but the large slice of meat lover's pizza was SCREAMING my name...kkkkAAAAATTTTiiiiEEEEEE. A dedicated athlete would have hydrated their body, but I knew I was running 13.1. I opted for a large Pepsi, followed by a refill. It was better than good; it was awesome.

When I returned home one would have thought I would have gone straight to bed to rest my body for the big day. 12:30 a.m. I finally laid my head down. The second I hit the goose down, my 2 footer awoke. Cutting your 2 front teeth is tough. I got her nestled all snug in her bed and returned to enjoy what was left of my own sweet slumber. In what felt like moments later (approximately 1.5 hrs later) the 3 footer awoke screaming my other name, just like the pizza, mMmmMOOOOOMMMMyyyy. I kissed away the ghosts and goblins and curled up in bed, only to be greeted by my alarm. Ready to run????

I got up, got dressed, and headed out. Did I eat? Nope. Did I hydrate? Nope. I was on my way to victory. The run was long. The run was hot. The run was.....AWFUL!!! I have heard about "The Wall" before, but we have never met. Mile 12 we said "Hello". We then proceeded to hook up like college students at Madi Gras. His hands were all over me. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. My jaw hurt. My legs felt like lead. My body was done!!!! I crossed my imaginary finish line and thought "DOUBLE WHAT????" I began to feel defeated until I thought about my choices. I mean hello??? Sabarro?? Pepsi?? 3hrs of sleep?? The sodium I consumed sucked any resources my 3 hrs of sleep gave me. Idiot. Just plain dumb.

On an up side, my shoes were great. My feet felt great and my knee was 20 again. Those were the only two good things about that run. 

Week 9 I was in VA with the 'rents. I literally dodged natural disasters left and right, an earthquake and a hurricane!! I squeezed in two runs while nestled up to our nation's capitol. I did however miss my long run due to vacation mode and Irene. 

The race is 67 days away. It's crunch time. It's make it or break it. I was always a good crammer in college, but you can't cram for a marathon. Your body takes more than the mind. I am learning a lot about myself during this journey....I am my own worst enemy. And it is time to crush the quitter in me.

Weeks 8&9: 30.1 miles

Lessons learned: Old habits die hard, until you choose to change,


  1. Its do or die time! You've got this Katie! You are your own best motivator too :)
